Friday, May 20, 2011

Twisted Made into a Movie? I Don't Think So

According to reports, selling the rights of Twisted in order to make a movie adaption of it has been looked into, but no selling has actually occurred. Another of Laurie Halse Anderson’s books, Speak, has been made into a movie. However, it did not release in theaters. Personally, I don’t believe Twisted would make a very good movie. Yes, it has a good story line, but there are too many other stories like it. Suicide, depression, emotional abuse from the father, school issues, and girl problems, the main conflicts in Twisted, are all much too common to make an interesting movie. In addition, this story would mostly appeal to teenage guys, a fairly low portion of the population. On top of that, I think a lot of guys wouldn’t go to see Twisted for fear of being made fun of for going to see a ‘chick flick’. Maybe it’s based on a guy’s life, but it’s still very sensitive. Guys would probably more likely read the book Twisted, than see a movie based on it because they could more easily hide it from their friends and other people. For these reasons, I don’t think Twisted should be made into a movie.


  1. Slow down there. It might not make a good movie, but don't jumpo to conclusions. Personally, I would read the book and then see the movie if it came out. There are a lot of emotional movies out there that are not considered chick flicks. ALMOST all movies are good in my opinion.

  2. I have read Twisted and have actually liked it. However, I would be surprised that if they were to make a movie

  3. i read it too and i want it to be a movie
