Monday, May 23, 2011

The Connection Between Twisted and the American Justice System

In Twisted, Tyler (the main character) is falsely accused of a drunken crime. However, because the kids at school don't like Tyler, many rumors circulate that it was him. What's more is that the police actually believe the drama-fanactic teenagers and come to Tyler's house to question him and end up taking his computer to search through, thus giving Tyler's father yet another reason to yell at him.

This quote is from a law firm website: "Believe it or not, many people who are convicted of a crime and end up in prison were falsely accused. Although the American criminal justice system works in most cases, not all juries get things right, and the consequences can be tragic." Um, duh. Believe it or not? What, do you really expect us to believe that the American justice system is without flaw? Personally, I find it demeaning, and quite frankly, insulting that a lawyer would word it like that. Does he think he's better than the common person just because he went to law school and now makes a living lying under oath? Of course, I'm very thankful to live in America with all the freedoms I have, but no one and no thing is perfect. America always has and always will be a work in progress. But that's the great thing about living here. Everything's always changing, and you have to believe it will, in the end, be for the better.


  1. well America is just trying to do their best! But as of today, we aren't doin so well. I agree with the second paragraph about how America is a work in progress. Nobody is perfect, especually a big GROUP of people

  2. America is pretty bad. i think it's mostly the people not the system

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