Monday, May 23, 2011

Trophet: The Intertwinement of the Video Game with the Main Story Line

Throughout Twisted, Tyler often plays a certain video game called Trophet. In a nutshell, the video game goes through levels of Hell. Once you beat one level, you move up to the next highest level of Hell. This repeats until you complete level one, and complete the game. If you die, you don't really die. You just re-spawn as a weaker spirit and restart the level. The emphasis on Trophet varies at different points in the novel; sometimes Tyler won't play for weeks, and other times a whole chapter will be dedicated to it. However, there is always a purpose for its presence at a certain point in the story. When Tyler encounters a problem in his life, he'll get stuck on a level in Trophet. When he solves that problem, he'll come back to the game and say something along the lines of  'Oh yeah I completed so and so level. All I had to do was buy so and so or make so and so character do a certain action.' At the end of the book, when Tyler has solved all his problems, he beats the game. In fact, in the last scene of the book, Tyler completes the game and is given a final option in it: to become the Lord of Darkness (basically king of Hell) himself, or to re-spawn as a weak spirit and go back to the bottom level of Hell. The last sentence in the book refers to this and says, "I chose wisely."


  1. These posts just want me to read the book more and more... especually this one.

  2. I agree, I probably will read the book soon.

  3. That sounds like a fun video game. (not the hell part, but the plot of the game
